Insect Planet
Welcome to Insect Planet submission for CAS 117! my modifications to the game include changing color schemes on certain game pieces such as the gate and outer walls. Also modified the appearance of a couple of the pickups and drops. I also set the bouncing script on to the checkpoint at the start of the game so it is moving and bouncing like a pickup to alert the player to the start of the level. I also modified the Queen to be a bit faster and I also limited her shoot range. I also changed the color on a couple of the spawners to look more futuristic and less plant like. Since the tutorial Build I have added extra ammo drops throughout the levels, added more scenery to the main menu screen and changed some colors on a couple of the spawners. Also thought the Shooters projectiles were too fast so I slowed that down just a little. Also changed the UI of the game page a little from previous with some minor edits. (I went more with modifying scripts this game then the visual layout!!)
Credit to: Jack Pas and CAS 117 assets
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Hi there! I'm also a student from coursera! I really need your help. I just lost everything we made on weak 1 from course 3 (3D Shooter). Can you PLEASE help me by sending me your project? I promise I will change EVERYTHING, but I just can't start all over again :(